Hotel Information
Ames has a number of hotels available. GPRTEC has secured a few room blocks and special pricing for you. Be sure to book these by the respective guidelines to guarantee the rate.
2100 SE 16th SE, Ames, IA
ROOM RATES: Single or Double $124
Complimentary Parking and Wi-Fi
Complimentary Breakfast
Reservations must be made by February 15, 2017 in order to guarantee the above rates. After this date, the above room rate is not guaranteed and is based on availability.
Call for reservations: 515-232-5510. Use Code: Great Plains ITEA
2600 E 13th Street, Ames, IA
ROOM RATES: Single or Double $114.99
Complimentary Parking and Wi-Fi
Complimentary Breakfast
Reservations must be made by February 15, 2017 in order to guarantee the above rates. After this date, the above room rate is not guaranteed and is based on availability.
Call for reservations: 515-232-2300. Use Code: Great Plains ITEA 2017
HOLIDAY INN CONFERENCE CENTER ** Very close to campus!
2609 University Blvd, Ames, IA
ROOM RATES: Singles or Doubles $114.99
Complimentary Parking and Wi-Fi
Complimentary Breakfast
Reservations must be made by February 15, 2017 in order to guarantee the above rates. After this date, the above room rate is not guaranteed and is based on availability.
Call for reservations: 515-268-8808. Use Code: Great Plains ITEA
1400 S Dayton Place, Ames, IA
ROOM RATES: Single or Double $79.99
Reservations must be made by February 15, 2017 in order to guarantee the above rates. After this date, the above room rate is not guaranteed and is based on availability.
Call for reservations: 515-239-9999. Use Code: Great Plains ITEA
GATEWAY HOTEL ** Very close to campus!
2100 Green Hills Drive, Ames, IA
ROOM RATES: Single or Double $129
Complimentary Parking and Wi-Fi
Reservations must be made by February 1, 2017 in order to guarantee the above rates. After this date, the above room rate is not guaranteed and is based on availability.
Call for reservations: 1-800-FOR-AMES. Use Code: Great Plains International
Euphonium Association